
Throughout this blog you will find examples of my set and prop design work and my process for each. To see a complete portfolio of my work or if you are interested in having me design your production, please contact me via the phone number or email address above. Thanks and enjoy the blog.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Proper Update

It's been another long stretch since my last entry. Again, thankfully, that is due to work. From August to May theatre consumes me. Exercising, eating and sleeping become goals unobtained. Hence, this blog gets pushed way down the list; off the table, in another room, down the list.

It is needless to say that this blog isn't the best way to display my work or keep my three followers (Hey Mom!) up to date. So to fix that, I created a new website that will serve as a portfolio and resume. It will be much easier to update that (hopefully). I'll keep this blog going as a place for trials and tribulations from the theater for those interested. Or perhaps just a record for myself. That's ok too. 

Use the link below to check out my new website:
